Engineering Design Services
We shape structures only for them to shape us later.
Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?
Engineering Design Services
This unit was raised in the year 2005, to provide Engineering & Design services to the EPC Contractors involved in Overhead Transmission Lines and Grid Station projects.
Our list of client comprises EPC Contractors of international repute, their details are;
- Siemens Pakistan for 500kV Grid Station at Yousefwala & New Ghakkar in Pakistan
- SINOTEC for 500kV Grid Station at Rewat in Pakistan
- Sichuan Electric Power Co. 500kV Grid Station at Lahore, Pakistan
- CCC-CCPG JV for 500kV Overhead Power Transmission Line Muzaffargarh to Gatti, 270kM long in Pakistan and
- Income Electrix Ltd, EPC Contractor based in Port-Harcourt Nigeria, for 132kV Overhead Power Transmission Lines and Grid Stations.

Our experienced team of design engineers serve our customers to the best of their ability meeting their requirements by providing tailor made solutions. Our design engineers have access to several design software’s and state of the art printing machines which are owned by the company.
Grid Stations: Civil Works Design
- Switchyard Foundations
- Power Transformer Foundations
- Shunt Reactor Foundations
- Gantry Foundations
- Firewalls
- Moving Areas for Power Transformer and Shunt Reactor
- Cable Trenches
- Control House Building
- Water Supply System
- Sewerage & Drainage System
Transmission Lines: Civil Works Design
- Line Route Survey
- Detailed Survey
- Plans & Profiles
- Sag and Tension Calculations
- Tower Spotting
- Tower Foundation Design
- Pile Foundation Design for River Crossing Towers